Recent content by geezer

  1. G

    United 767 touch and go video

    The first landing may have been embarrassing, but the second time they definitely had their best skills front and center.
  2. G

    B-17 Bombardier

    I was in line for a B17 ride at Frederick MD, and the pilot called it a day before I reached the front of the line, big disappointment, but still memorable, just watching. The pilot flying was a WW 2 veteran, had bombed Germany. Each landing was 3 point, and difficult to tell when the wheels...
  3. G

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    The pitchers clock, limited throws to first base, and extra innings man on second base are all good in my view. My bias is from a more than 70 years ago to a major league pre season game that went 11 innings without a hit or walked in run. At 5 innings I was bored and butt sore, at 10 innings...
  4. G

    New device increases safety for general aviation pilots

    This product seems to be intended to advise the altitude is low enough that a landing is intended, and the gear is up. I doubt that fixed gear owners will have much interest.
  5. G

    Magnificent Flying Machines

    I know exactly what those short exhaust pipes sound like! Plane should be easier to keep clean, though.
  6. G

    GPS Direct to fix, homing vs track

    I skipped the last half of the responses above. My instructor taught me that it is necessary to always fly what you have filed/agreed with ATC to fly, accurately, regardless of how hard it is. That is the only way you can prepare for the flight that you must fly exactly right, in even worse...
  7. G

    Ticket Punched - Commercial Multi Complete!

    Congratulations, great progress!
  8. G

    Flight school train on grass strip?

    Our club insurance required CFI checkout before solo grass operations, and limited us to public fields They had a small print sentence that stated that specific non public grass strips could be approved. I called them, and requested a farm strip in Missouri, with a Beech Baron based on it...
  9. G


    "ONE STRIKE AND YOU ARE OUT" would have prevented two deaths. A year too late.
  10. G

    KGWB Auburn, IN- Cord Museum

    Thanks for the pictures, Jim, reminders of the cars that I saw on the road as a kid in the 30's, and even sat or rode in during the post war period. People who had been unable to buy any car during the war continued to drive those old ones until civilian production ramped up. Dealers would...
  11. G

    So far away from me ...

    The current sunspot game makes this happen a lot more. Many years ago, the power company in Washington DC had one way messages from the Havana Cuba dispatcher, and their trouble truck's responses. They did not receive our calls to them.
  12. G

    5/13/2024 Tri-Pacer down near Enderlin, ND - non-fatal

    Jim K, I was hoping for an opinion of the farm field conditions, from an expert on their softness and current state of agricultural preparation for this years crops.
  13. G

    5/13/2024 Tri-Pacer down near Enderlin, ND - non-fatal

    Jim K can add to this, the dark area in the background appears to be wet muddy, so the landing was on soft ground. The state of corn stalks resembles disked, which loosens the soil. As weight settled on the nose wheel, it plowed in and flipped at a relatively low speed. Properly tightened...
  14. G

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    Thomas and Tools give excellent advice here. One thing that I was trained for all landings, scan out the side window to the edge of the runway to estimate height, then ahead for runway alignment, and back to the edge. If the sun is in the right place, the location of the shadow of the wheel is...
  15. G

    Nashville BBQ

    I have been going to Florida for over 50 years, and remember when Sonny's was good. It has been a long time since I ate in one, just mediocre now.