Recent content by gibbons

  1. gibbons

    Where in the world is Matt?????

    Matt is currently in Northwest Arkansas saving my Mom and Dad's bacon. The ice storm hit them pretty hard and Matt has been working at their house (and at my sister's house) to help clear out the broken limbs. The dude can climb!! Here are a few photos - before and after. I believe my...
  2. gibbons

    How do I use my Mac....I'm dumb.

    My hero.
  3. gibbons

    Question For the Mac Weenies

    "Question For the Mac Weenies" Department of Redundancy Department.
  4. gibbons

    "Members Only" forum

    I've always disagreed on this point. I never thought the upside of driving new members to the site via a search engine was worth the stifling effect that public access to discussions here has on our current members. As a counter point to Greebo's argument, I think PoA was founded as a...
  5. gibbons

    How do I use my Mac....I'm dumb.

    Oh yea!!
  6. gibbons

    How do I use my Mac....I'm dumb.

    And it's SO intuitive and easy to use....
  7. gibbons

    Aerobatic Training?

    You bring up a good point and it's well taken. I suppose the issue is that "the best" is subjective, even (especially?) when it involves the IAC. In defense of my comment I'll point out that Debby Rihn-Harvey attends John's aerobatic camp and that he's coached the US Aerobatic Team, so he does...
  8. gibbons

    "Members Only" forum

    I don't care how many people Google drives to the forum, I'd prefer that our posts don't show up on any search engines.
  9. gibbons

    Aerobatic Training?

    I've worked with Morrissey a lot, and attended an aerobatic camp he runs. He knows a hell of a lot about competitive aerobatics and is an excellent coach and pilot. So is his wife. So is his son. I think his spin training is the best out there.
  10. gibbons

    Aerobatics Training

    You guys are too kind. The checks are in the mail. :D
  11. gibbons

    Aerobatics Training

    Joyce, I know a very good instructor in Kansas City. In addition, I *may* have access to an Extra 300L just outside of Little Rock and, if so, could do some training there. Send me a PM if you're interested and I'll look into it.
  12. gibbons

    Sell me a Mac

    Hey wildwobby, See why I suggested we move this thread to spin zone?
  13. gibbons

    Sell me a Mac

    Dave, you need to know you are loved and we will still be here for you when you come back.
  14. gibbons

    Sell me a Mac

    You're just pushing all my buttons today aren't you? Very funny stuff. Oh yea, very funny. :D