Recent content by kmacht

  1. K

    Is there anyway to come back from an FAA Emergency Revocation

    Take up ultralights, gliders, or powered paragliding. You dint need a medical for any of those to get back in the air. All other options are going to be expensive and difficult.
  2. K

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    To the Op - did you work at Rocky Mountain Municipal airport? A Google search of your user name seems to tie you to photos posted online that would typically only be taken by someone who works/worked there. If so, does your firing have anything to do with the airport manager also being...
  3. K

    KBNG Banning Airport authorized to close by FAA

    Just being an airport doesn’t mean it does or can make money. Almost every time I fly into a small airport on a weekday there is almost nobody around and no commerce happening. The few people I do meet are usually other owners who are retired and just putzing around in their hanger. The truth...
  4. K

    How much space to build a plane (rv14)

    Airplanes can be built anywhere. I know one guy who built a Xenos including the wings in a small 3 story townhouse in the city. With that said, if you want to finish the plane then build it somewhere where you walk by it every day. Those who actually finish a build rarely are the ones whose...
  5. K

    Commercial Spaceflight and Aviation Trust Fund

    I never said the government should be completely hand off. You are the one that is insinuating that from my comment about the unnecessary buerocracy that the FAA brings. Do you really think they are not over reaching at times? How about the 737 max for example. The rules the FAA set forced...
  6. K

    Looking for destination recommendations for mid-June

    Short flight from those two airports is block island. Lots of fun for a day trip to land there, rent some bicycles and explore for the day.
  7. K

    Looking for destination recommendations for mid-June

    Northeast? Maybe a little long but there are plenty of hiking trails and things to do between Vermont and New Hampshire and plenty of small airports to park the plane at. Upstate New York is also pretty nice that time of year. Look into the Lake George area. A little further south there is...
  8. K

    Commercial Spaceflight and Aviation Trust Fund

    Actually yes, I am comparing the two as far as the FAA is concerned. There are other government agencies that already deal with the regulation of high explosives and when, where and how they can be used. The FAA is much deeper into the business of SpaceX and others well beyond just the simple...
  9. K

    Commercial Spaceflight and Aviation Trust Fund

    It seems to be working fine in the experimental aircraft world.
  10. K

    Commercial Spaceflight and Aviation Trust Fund

    What extra work? All the unnecessary paperwork and certifications? Other than clearing the airspace for launch, what exactly does the FAA provide that is value added to a SpaceX launch?
  11. K

    DIY Electronic Nerd Project Ideas for Aviation

    He about an arduino based engine monitor? Something simple that can measure CHT/EGT/Oil temp/Oil Pressure sensors. A cheap and simple monitor would be great for simple experimental and ultralights and the arduino seems like an ideal platform for measuring and displaying simple sensors.
  12. K

    Jacobs-powered pickup

    The article was about a SEMA show 10 years ago. Has anything been done with the truck since? Many of the builds for SEMA are just pure show cars to catch attention and can’t actually be driven.
  13. K

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    We had a 2002 Yukon xl before this one. If you look at the two model years you will see the rockers aren’t as exposed so they don’t tend to rust out as fast on the 2010. The bottom of the door mostly covers and protects them. I check the frame and anything structural or suspension related...
  14. K

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    Stop running it through the carwash in the winter. All that salt just gets jammed up into the drain holes and any crevice in the metal it can find and stays there. I live in the rusty northeast in a state that sprays the road with rust forming nasty chemicals every time there is even a hint of...
  15. K

    Customer service rant

    I'm pretty sure that the two cashiers could not read minds so yes, it's a pretty safe bet that if you dont actually talk you won't get an answer.