Recent content by Palmpilot

  1. Palmpilot

    IMC definition for approach logging

    I do the same on the syn-vis, for the same reason, especially since many of the planes where I rent are not G1000 equipped.
  2. Palmpilot

    IMC definition for approach logging

    When I'm using an ATD with that equipment, I alternate between hand-flying and using the GFC700.
  3. Palmpilot

    IMC definition for approach logging

    The FAA guidance on this subject seems relatively sensible to me.
  4. Palmpilot

    Is there anyway to come back from an FAA Emergency Revocation

    Do student pilot certificates have an expiration date?
  5. Palmpilot

    Chat GPT has been updated and knows us.

    Here's an AI image that some people thought was real, so they were using it as support for the idea that space aliens visited Earth in ancient times.
  6. Palmpilot

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  7. Palmpilot

    IMC definition for approach logging

    The criterion for logging instrument time is not whether you are in IMC, which the FAA defines as conditions less than those required for VFR. If the FAA used that as the criterion, then for example you could log it as instrument time when you were above a cloud but less than 1000 feet above it...
  8. Palmpilot

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Who would he be repetitively calling, and why?
  9. Palmpilot

    Is there anyway to come back from an FAA Emergency Revocation

    Folks here seem to like to make up their own facts whenever events don't fit their expectations.
  10. Palmpilot

    First time medical, >0.15 BAC, want basicmed

    It sounds like he already completed an application for a medical certificate. If he discontinues the process now, the application will be denied, which according to 14 CFR 61.23(c)(3)(iv) will render him ineligible for BasicMed unless and until he later reapplies and succeeds in getting a...
  11. Palmpilot

    Parachuting Safety Issues

    Yikes: In 2015, both the USPA and UPT suspended Pooley's tandem examiner ratings. Despite the suspension, prosecutors say Pooley continued to lead USPA and UPT tandem instructor courses. Pooley hid the fact that he was suspended from students and falsely told them that he...
  12. Palmpilot

    Half Moon Bay

    Sam's Chowder House also has Web cams, as does the airport itself. The SamCams show the final approach course to Rwy 30: The airport cam shows the south half of the field...
  13. Palmpilot

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    I've watched a lot of "sovereign citizens" do that on YouTube. It never ends well! :lol:
  14. Palmpilot

    Electric Lawn Tools

    The thing that bugs be about battery-operated tools is that eventually the battery will need to be replaced, and it may not be possible to get one.