Recent content by TommyG

  1. T

    Blue Angels IMAX

    It’s not a demo team, it’s a recruitment tool.
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    AOPA vs NATA

    All I can say is a group of pilots and owners are having a dispute with an airport. The airport changed a long standing agreement and went to an extreme amount of money from these tenants. They called AOPA, and was told they can’t do much to help them.
  3. T

    Zero hours/sitting idle

    Got it in 1990 something, still using my AOL email. If compuserve still existed, I would use that.
  4. T

    IFR time

    So now we have new ways of logging instrument time?
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    Flight Review Required for Additional Category? Has this ever been fixed.

    I don’t get why people ask chief counsel to basically narrow down and put tighter rules on regulations. They simply don’t understand when it comes to the government it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
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    Picturesque sunset beach landing on Long Island

    Great touchdown, the nose over wasn’t too bad either
  7. T

    Multi- Engine Time

    Loved those ads in the flying magazines.
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    Networking as a Student Pilot

    As long as you are sincere and be who you are when interacting with pilots. Don’t come off as an annoying kiss ast. So many young pilots think networking is kiss butt, and one or two interactions will get a recommendation. Networking takes time to establish a bond with someone.
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    2024 PPL written test

    Miss the days when you could just memorize the questions. Did that for all my tests, and passed the tests with high scores.
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    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    You’re still young. Live life, sample some girls from around the world, enjoy the craziness of being single for a while. You have plenty of time to find a girl, get married and do the dad stuff. You don’t want to be 50 wishing you had more fun in life when other guys are sharing their stories...
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    Small plane lands on Long Island’s Southern State Parkway

    Yes it’s visible, but also when I tell a student to switch the tank, I actually watch them do it. Kind of like telling them to change frequencies, you can’t just assume they did it without looking.
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    What kept you going through training?

    Why do you hate it? Why are you doing it? Those are the two questions that matter.
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    Road Bump in Buying a Plane - No Place to Put It

    My good friend is a manager at a big FBO. Waiting list for a T hangar is long. But so many planes are unused, barely used, or just rotting away. But the owners pay their rent, and keep up on their Insurance so they sit where they are. He would rather get people in there that will pay their bills...
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    Contacting current (female) owner of my former airplane - wanting to avoid any perception of "cyberstalking"

    It’s a sad world we have now, where people are worried about bye r stalking by following the life of a former airplane they owned.
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    I have run numerous planes through Vref. I never saw one estimate close to what the market was calling for.