Search results

  1. donjohnston

    210 down in Sydney

    Flew it all the way into the crash. Keeping the gear up probably allowed him to make it back to the airport.
  2. donjohnston

    New hydrogen engine

    If their previous track record is any indication, we'll see this in 2050.
  3. donjohnston

    Cessna P210 down near San Diego 11/15/2023

    Sounds like IMC, went missed, and ran out of fuel. Not much news yet.
  4. donjohnston

    PA28 down near Gainesville, FL

    VFR into IMC. Apparently ATC tried to help him for about 20 min. Word is it's tough to listen to.
  5. donjohnston

    Lancair in McKinney 11/11/23

    Reported as an emergency landing.
  6. donjohnston

    Flying through area 51

    How did this guy not get intercepted and forced to land? He almost flew right over the runway.
  7. donjohnston

    Amazon solving the mechanic shortage?

    At Lakeland, FL by paying the bill for employees to get their A&P.
  8. donjohnston

    FAA and lasers

    "High-powered laser pointers can incapacitate pilots flying airplanes. To combat the threat, Acting FAA Administrator Billy Nolen requested laser manufacturers add a warning label to their packaging to make consumers aware of the safety risks and federal laws when using lasers." All this time...
  9. donjohnston

    NA-Knowing when a circuit is dead

    Recently I had a breaker trip at my house. This breaker serves the lift station (what some call an ejector pump) for the septic system. There's an alarm which provides an alert if the level in the pit gets too high. Except that alarm is powered by the same circuit that powers the pump. (if I...
  10. donjohnston

    Wonder what this guy up to?

    Poking around on ADSB Exchange this morning and saw this plane. King Air took off out of Pensacola and has been flying around the area for the past 2 hours at about 1,100' and 150kts. First he flew a grid over Hathaway bridge for a bit. Now he's flying along the coast between the west end...
  11. donjohnston

    Navy Helo's flipped over by storm A CH-53 no less!
  12. donjohnston

    Piaggio for sale

    Only $2,800. All I need is a set of wings and a pair of engines. :D
  13. donjohnston

    E6 overhead

    I've been watching the helo and forrestry service planes flying over the wildfires here and I noticed an E6 from Centcom flying nearby. Been here for a few hours. Sure hope it's just a routine training flight. ;)
  14. donjohnston

    Pilotless Helo

    Just out of curiosity, how difficult is it to fly a UH60 compared to something like a UH-1 or R22?
  15. donjohnston

    Taylorcraft down California

    Call me skeptical, but this looks staged. No attempt to restart, door looks like it was opened before the engine failure, etc. Can't find anything in the Prelim reports.
  16. donjohnston

    Missile battery at KCLL

    “We reached out to the Easterwood Airport's administration and they had very little knowledge of what exactly was the deal with the Army setting-up shop on their grounds.“...
  17. donjohnston

    F95 Ground Breaking and Fly-In (FL Panhandle)

    They are starting construction on replacing the buildings destroyed by hurricane Michael in 2018 (better late than never). And free food!
  18. donjohnston

    No air traffic over southern OH?

    I was wondering what effect Covid-19 was having on air traffic. Pulled up FlightRadar24 and there's still a lot of traffic. But there's a huge hole over southern OH, western WV and northeast KY. What's up with that?
  19. donjohnston

    ADSB preflight check

    Just saw this on AvWeb. it will be up to pilots and operators to make sure the gear will actually work along their predicted flight path. As part of the flight planning process, operators will be required to exercise “due...
  20. donjohnston

    A question on airport security

    Is it a requirement that GA airports have fences with gates now?