Search results

  1. brien23

    Rental Pilots work on planes

    It's been over a year since pilots are doing things to the FBO rental aircraft that they think is right. Someone pulled the vent tube on a C-172 behind the strut down into the slip stream and thought it should be that way? One would think the paint line on the tube would be a clue that it might...
  2. brien23

    DPE PPL price

    New price for DPE PPL $900. and $600. for retest, local DPE just raised price and still has long waiting time to schedule. What are other DPE charging for a PPL ride?
  3. brien23


    What percent of people with older aircraft or homebuilt/experimental or of value less than $25K have no liability insurance, hull insurance is another issue. Some airports require insurance for all those who keep their plane their and have no idea of others that fly in to get gas or other...
  4. brien23

    Wrecked more than one plane

    How many people know pilots that have wrecked or been involved in a accident that the plane is totaled (this means that the aircraft costs more to fix than it is worth). Not sure how they do that and buy another and wreck it too, does not seem to matter how many you wreck if you have a good...
  5. brien23

    Sticky hangar doors

    A little sag in the middle of the hangar door track and the doors stick, so does anybody have a simple fix for sticky doors.
  6. brien23

    After Prebuy problems

    How many problems did you encounter after purchasing that were not identified during the prebuy?
  7. brien23

    Engine overhaul on a stand

    Engine overhaul on a automotive engine stand horizontal or crankshaft stand vertical. I had never seen it done on a automotive stand before and ask if anyone else does it that way and why.
  8. brien23

    pilot airline jobs are we at the peak

    Airlines have hired a lot on new first officers in the pipeline to move over to the left seat and replace those old ones on the way out. Those in the door now are the ones that will fill the left seats for the next 20 to 30 years, those after them will probably be sitting in the right seat for a...
  9. brien23

    How to buy a plane

    Some people have a knack for that and get real great deals, so what buying tips from those in the know can share with us sheep.
  10. brien23

    Strike Finder or ADF

    Strike finders are great at pointing area you don't want to go into also ADF at about 300kc do a good job at pointing at area you don't want to go into. You get a lot more info on the strike finder over just pointing at the area not to go into so with all the other information available would...
  11. brien23

    Fly by wire and EMP

    Most airliners today fly by wire, replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface. (nuclear EMP or NEMP) is a burst of electromagnetic radiation created by a nuclear explosion military aircraft are hardened electronics to protect them, how protected...
  12. brien23

    Age 75+ Insurance

    Age related 75+ insurance for Twin, retract, tailwheel, seaplane, helicopter, did I leave out anything, probably why their are so many Mooney's for sale now. Is this the end of the line for old pilots, can't find insurance so forced to sell their Mooney aircraft and change to a single engine...
  13. brien23

    Best Puke Bag

    I like a empty instant coffee container with the snap top to open and close, holding a bag full of puke for the rest of the flight is probably not the best way. I do remember a puke bags on Delta airliners that had a maze printed on the back as a game for kids, looking at that if you were on...
  14. brien23

    Wireless interaction

    Years ago their was talk of avionics boxes talking to each other without wires to interconnect them or wireless, just a power connection. It would be great to upgrade without having to go through a wire maze to connect the boxes and time required to make the wire harness, just let them talk to...
  15. brien23

    A&P hourly wage.

    With UAW wage demand, seems like everyone except GA A&P wages are going up. With McDonald's paying $15hr what are A&P in your area making per hour for GA work.
  16. brien23

    Boat or Airplane

    Boat ownership 32' or larger cost over Cessna or piper cost more or less and use more of less.
  17. brien23

    Glut of complex Aircraft

    Listings of complex aircraft seem up, is that due to insurance being hard to find for those over 70 and very hard to find for those over 80, to keep flying complex aircraft. The cost of feeding and care of single engine complex aircraft has gone up a lot over the past few years. Listings of 55...
  18. brien23

    Bushmaster saves pilot life

    Stinson stall spin from 100' into parked Bushmaster saves pilot life, pilot only suffered small cut on hand and walked away.
  19. brien23

    Dream Aircraft or Nightmare.

    It's hard to believe people buy a aircraft and have no idea of what they are getting into. How do you tell someone that bought his dream aircraft that he now owns a bottomless money pit. Broker made deal with seller took A&P to look at aircraft his note was they cut the air conditioner belt to...
  20. brien23

    Cheap airplane not so cheap

    How many people buy a cheap plane thinking they got a steal of a deal only to find out they bought a bottomless money pit. Or buy a aircraft like a pig's ear and expect to turn it into a silk purse, with unreal time and money required to finish their dream.