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  1. cowman

    Midwest POA June Lunch? Breakfast? Where? Who knows. June 22, 2024

    Mine too but hopefully it will be back together this week.
  2. cowman

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    I am once again swearing never to do rust repair again..... like I did the last 2 times. Maybe I'll learn one of these days
  3. cowman

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

  4. cowman

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    Finally got around to finishing it, coated the new rockers in bed liner. Now wondering if I should spray the lower edges of the doors/fender and bed to match or just say good enuf
  5. cowman

    Best bedtime story ever

    I initially tried to actually read it cover to cover but by the third paragraph of bureaucratic pedantry I started flipping for pages with pictures on them.
  6. cowman

    Best bedtime story ever

    I couldn’t find his airplane book anywhere so I substituted mine.
  7. cowman

    I Hate Enterprise

    Is there a rental car company that doesn't suck? At most GA airports I've been to it's not like there's a choice between companies, more like this is the only company do you want the car or not?
  8. cowman

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    Something I recommend every student pilot or private pilot if they haven't done it try: get a CFI who will make/help you do crosswind landings in very windy/gusty conditions. Preferably as close to a direct 90 degree crosswind as you can get- works best at airports with multiple runways. Do it...
  9. cowman

    So far away from me ...

    Ham radio guys talk literally across the world on the lower bands taking advantage of skip conditions.
  10. cowman

    Questions on Clearance delivery with a phone number

    So just to understand the system a bit here's the purpose of that. If you're flying IFR, you need to get a clearance from ATC before you enter the clouds. If you're departing an uncontrolled field you basically have 3 options. 1. If the airport has a relay for ATC you may be able to call by...
  11. cowman

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    I usually carry a multi-tool. Probably use the pliers as often if not more than the knife.
  12. cowman

    Anybody have gps trouble today?

    I flew, in hindsight it felt like it took slightly longer than usual to acquire a signal after powering up but that might be my imagination, either way it's negligible. I didn't attempt any approaches, honestly I forgot all about the the whole electromagnetic storm and just had a nice VFR...
  13. cowman

    Midwest POA June Lunch? Breakfast? Where? Who knows. June 22, 2024

    I’m wandering around with my wife and 5yo if you see us say hi.
  14. cowman

    Midwest POA June Lunch? Breakfast? Where? Who knows. June 22, 2024

    We’re heading out shortly if anyone else is till going.
  15. cowman

    Midwest POA June Lunch? Breakfast? Where? Who knows. June 22, 2024

    Tomorrow’s forecast is looking good. We’re still aiming to be there around 11.
  16. cowman

    Piper Warrior budget Waas Gps advice

    The GI-275 - century autopilot interface is NOT plug and play despite what the marketing suggests, it requires an interface box that's not included or even available from Garmin. The shop that did mine attempted to build one... eventually with the help of POA we found Deklin makes a pre-built...
  17. cowman

    Cholesterol, do I need to pick up smokin' and drinkin,??

    Sounds my last bloodwork... and by conventional wisdom my diet is terrible. I eat plenty of red meat, this time of year lots of burgers/hot dogs/steaks/pork chops/various smoked meats since it's grilling season. Not to mention fast food once or twice a week, lots of Chinese takeout, snacks...
  18. cowman

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    Hard to see in the photos but the drivers side was significantly worse. I had to weld in new metal along the bottom edge just to have something to attach the new rocker panels to…. And there was rot going way up the rear corner of the cab… a piece of the old rocker is now welded in there but...
  19. cowman

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    Here’s your motivation to go treat your rocker panels, fenders, and cab corners with some kind of corrosion inhibitor. This is a 2012 with less than 100,000 miles on it and we absolutely made an effort to run it through the car wash after use on salted roads.
  20. cowman

    Apple blows chunks

    I manage all IT related things for a small private school... my predecessor had a little over 100 ipads set up with one appleID for each class so 10-30 devices on an ID. Different teachers and other staff input their phone numbers as owning the ID at different times and of course apple censors...