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  1. FlightofTwo

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    If only he’d also be right about what he claims
  2. FlightofTwo

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    The truth often comes out, but justice…not so much…
  3. FlightofTwo

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    I don’t care if he wants to speculate on crashes most of the time, as everyone does that on crash threads anyway. I don’t want him necessarily “cancelled”, other than the fact he shouldn’t have the right to smear everyone else on a personal level, which he does repeatedly, with no recourse. I do...
  4. FlightofTwo

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    I know that life isn’t fair, and I don’t expect it to be. But sometimes…. A lot of times if you’re patient enough, the truth comes out about a person eventually. But still.
  5. FlightofTwo

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    It’s not his opinion that is the problem. It is his statement of things as facts that are not facts, which then harm other people’s reputation, business, memory, whatever, that is the problem. Where do you start? The lawsuit spells out a bunch of falsehoods. He claimed the guy was diabetic, had...
  6. FlightofTwo

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    I know, but I was still actually talking about Gryder there too.
  7. FlightofTwo

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    Pretty sure Gryder identifies as a he. ;)
  8. FlightofTwo

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    He's not often right, but he's never in doubt. Classic narcissist like an abusive spouse who spouts off stuff like it's fact, then when faced with the proof that he's wrong, that's either not what he said, not what he meant, it's your fault, or it doesn't matter if he's wrong on that because...
  9. FlightofTwo

    OSH - T-6 goes into Lake Winnebago Saturday 7/29 morning

    I usually let other people click and then tell me. :D But the downside to not correcting their errors is that people then are free to think “a 200 hour pilot who didn’t belong in a T-6 as evidenced by this terrible landing couldn’t recover from a basic spin which is no big deal”, and then they...
  10. FlightofTwo

    OSH - T-6 goes into Lake Winnebago Saturday 7/29 morning

    She did not have only 200 hours, that was Gryder pulling that out of his nether regions like usual. And his assessment of stalls/spins, and Juan’s, shows they probably haven’t actually done it. And there’s nothing wrong with a tail low wheel landing, either. And I’d like to meet the T-6 pilot...
  11. FlightofTwo

    Quiet Birdmen

    You're not supposed to ask about it, they're not supposed to tell about it, you can't invite yourself to it, you must be asked, and you must have a penis. Chapters vary on usefulness and impressiveness or not so much.
  12. FlightofTwo

    Winter Begins and Ornery Grows

    But you should know me a lot better before you know me well enough to know not to trust me!
  13. FlightofTwo

    B17 crash at Dallas.

    I came back to say I was surprised at the "no altitude separation was briefed" and I'm guessing the Final report will have some clarification of that. In the general briefing, I remember the 500' and 1000' crowd lines being pointed out clearly and discussed. The traffic flow (north vs south)...
  14. FlightofTwo

    B17 crash at Dallas.

    Okay, I feel like I'm talking into a vacuum, so I'll just say this and then hopefully be able to move on and let folks think what they will. For context, I am not an official for any organization, nor am I a self-proclaimed YouTube Expert, but I've flown airshows since 2008, and my husband was...
  15. FlightofTwo

    B17 crash at Dallas.

    No, it doesn't, and no it isn't. There is an airshow/waivered airspace briefing every single day, for that day specifically. People and planes that aren't briefed don't fly at that day's show. Friday's weather sucked, and several of the planes were unable to get in. Several of the pilots...
  16. FlightofTwo

    B17 crash at Dallas.

    Every airshow has a plan and a briefing, with an airboss, the FAA, and participants all in attendance. This briefing happened Friday, even though nobody was able to fly because of weather, out of professionalism, and safety, should the weather miraculously clear off. Then again Saturday for...
  17. FlightofTwo

    Piper Aerostar and rudder/vertical stab size?

    Ah, thanks! In that case, I've been cruising along in a flib at FL380 then. Even FL410. :D
  18. FlightofTwo

    Piper Aerostar and rudder/vertical stab size?

    p.s. What's a flib?
  19. FlightofTwo

    Piper Aerostar and rudder/vertical stab size?

    The Aerostar does fine single engine, as long as you get the drag up/off. Leave the 40° of flaps in and you're coming down like a manhole cover, but leave all the drag in on most any other piston twin and you'll end up with similar results, so...bottom line, cleaned up and flown properly, it...
  20. FlightofTwo

    Station air down Marlin TX

    I’m guessing that after the runway excursion, instead of pulling the power and taking the whoops, they firewalled it and tried to “save “it, got airborne again and either stalled out or hit the trees. But I’m not going to put out a video explaining why I think I know who did what when and who...