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    A barbecue adventure, the saga unfolds.

    Which one was the winner and which one was the loser?
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    IMC definition for approach logging

    Funny you should mention that. There was one day where I booted up the sim, got the "Training Approved" popup and proceeded to configure the aircraft/airport/weather. After that was set up, I noticed the GPS was stuck on the previous airport and never updated to the new location. I checked the...
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    IMC definition for approach logging

    I do too, but given the state of the simulators available to me, it's not always by choice. :(
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    Finding approaches based on type

    That's the same site cited in post #31. And I'll re-iterate my reply to that: Keep in mind that it is infrequently updated.
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    IMC definition for approach logging

    I'll usually do one with the GFC700 but not all 6. For my situation, I find that's enough to keep the buttonology fresh. And I keep the syn-vis turned off. That's just too big of a cheat for me personally.
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    IMC definition for approach logging

    I wonder about the pilot that turns off wind/turbulence/failures, turns on the G1000 syn-vis and programs the GFC700 VPTH. :)
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    Finding approaches based on type

    Adding -n between sed and the double-quote then changing the /d to /p should invert the CONUS filter.
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    Finding approaches based on type

    Keep in mind that this website is infrequently updated, which I think might have been one of the reasons I wrote the script.
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    AOPA Rusty Pilots course

    Oops. Looks like that one slipped through the editing process.
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    Prebuy gone wrong

    For the right price, I might let it slide.
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    Finding approaches based on type

    More like 0.0.1, if it were written in Python/PyTorch. But all this chatter made me dig it up. Turns out it's a shell (bash) script and not Perl. Here it is (edited down for ILS, since that's what the OP wanted). #!/bin/bash let OFFSET=0 while : ; do YYMM=`date +%y%m -d-"$OFFSET"month` let...
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    IMC definition for approach logging

    Well that's missing the "operates the aircraft solely by reference to instruments" part but as @MauleSkinner points out, you'll probably satisfy that on the way to the MAP anyway. That is, unless it's a dive-and-drive and you duck under the obscuration.
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    Resorts near small airports?

    I think your plural 's' is misplaced. I only see 1 previous.
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    IMC definition for approach logging

    61.51(g)(1) "A person may log instrument time only for that flight time when the person operates the aircraft solely by reference to instruments under actual or simulated instrument flight conditions." If you weren't flying solely by reference to instruments then not loggable. BTW, I believe...
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    Help me spend my money!

    You're a 3-ear monster! :biggrin:
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    Finding approaches based on type

    I actually wrote a Perl script that pulls from but it's been so long that I don't remember exactly what it does :)
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    Help me spend my money!

    Sounds like the Yaesu is preferred over the Garmin's monitor mode, then? I suppose either is better than just a KY197 and nothing else.
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    Chat GPT has been updated and knows us.

    The competition responds:
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    Help me spend my money!

    Apropos of the topic at hand, aren't you running a single COM with monitor mode in your baby Beech? How's that working out? Are you ever wanting for a 2nd COM radio?
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    Help me spend my money!

    I think he had the right idea in post #1. A TX56a gives him an intercom, 1.5 NAV radios and 1.5 COMS with the 0.5 coming from monitor mode.