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  1. Half Fast

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    How's that go again? Aviate. Navigate. Communicate.
  2. Half Fast

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    By the time the FAA gets around to issuing it, the first baby will be graduating from high school.
  3. Half Fast


    All true, but we're crossed up between state and federal. The people who would require Pfizer to have "...decades of blind peer-reviewed tests" are the feds (FDA, specifically), and to the feds it's an illegal street drug and has been for decades. From their standpoint, they've already...
  4. Half Fast


    Yeah, good point. The OP could be read that way. As mentioned above, the perception that marijuana is therapeutic for ADHD is growing in popularity. For example, a 2016 qualitative analysis of online discussions around...
  5. Half Fast


    Well, he could become a treetop flyer.....
  6. Half Fast

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    Looks like it's still flying. Owner is in Minnesota.
  7. Half Fast


    Which does raise the question of why mom is posting here and not the son.
  8. Half Fast


    The amazing thing is that he had already completed that process, then pizzed it away with a joint or two. Dumb, dumb, dumb move.
  9. Half Fast

    Blue Angels IMAX

    Yeah, I would have appreciated more in-cockpit video from the pilot's perspective, and to hear comms. But the movie wasn't made for pilots in particular.
  10. Half Fast

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    It needs a Lockheed star on the box.
  11. Half Fast

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    Agreed. At the moment, based on prototype airplanes, the crossover point seems to be around 30-60 minutes, more or less. To make a truly useful airplane that can be used for meaningful XC travel, or jobs like cargo hauling, the batteries will need to improve by 6x to 10x, which is about in...
  12. Half Fast


    Wait, I thought you said he was only using pot to treat COVID symptoms. Now you’re discussing recreational use. Which is it? Did he even have COVID?
  13. Half Fast


    It simply doesn’t matter how you personally see it. It only matters how the FAA sees it. They see it as abuse of an illegal substance by someone who wants to fly airplanes. They see his continuing use (second failed test) as extremely poor judgment. Some things are off limits for pilots...
  14. Half Fast

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    Sadly, we can’t.
  15. Half Fast

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    Greening and canker have been problems, but landowners are finding it’s to their financial advantage to sell for other uses rather than replanting. In some cases they can collect insurance and government assistance to rip out the trees, then they sell the land for development. I understand the...
  16. Half Fast

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    :yeahthat: Just a few miles down the road from me, large orange groves have been replaced with solar fields, and now our local citrus processing plant is importing some of its oranges. "Florida's Natural" brand of OJ isn't entirely from Florida anymore and I think that's sad.
  17. Half Fast

    Blue Angels IMAX

    Yeah, I know. The entire Florida Panhandle is very busy airspace. Difficult to do extended practice sessions.
  18. Half Fast

    Ticket Punched - Commercial Multi Complete!

    Congratulations!! :happydance::cheers:
  19. Half Fast

    Blue Angels IMAX

    Guess they don’t want to deal with the brutal Florida winters and low-altitude icing conditions.
  20. Half Fast

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    Wonder if it’s still flying. Did you get the whole N#?