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  1. Ed Haywood

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    This thread has me thinking of one of my favorite lyrics. Boomers will recognize it right away: I've been looking at the mirror all the time, Wondering what she don't see in me, I've been funny I've been cool with the lines, Ain't that the way love's supposed to be?
  2. Ed Haywood

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Of all the things I would expect to see a Tesla towing, a tractor is at the very bottom of the list.
  3. Ed Haywood

    Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

    Huge problem with kids. Saw it first hand. They put a 30 day starter pack of drugs in our hands at the Doc's office to get our kid hooked, and stood there urging us to "do it now" rather than looking into alternatives. It literally felt like being at a car dealer. Walking away from that was...
  4. Ed Haywood

    Help me spend my money!

    Garmin GTR 200 is still available. Has built in intercom and 2nd freq monitoring.
  5. Ed Haywood

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    Scat tube is so cheap and easy to replace. I was intimidated until I installed my overhauled engine. When I realized how easy scat tube is to work with, I laughed that I had avoided replacing the old stuff before.
  6. Ed Haywood

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    Restoration is the wrong term IMO. That means to return to like-new condition, and typically includes work on the structure, controls, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Very expensive. Sounds like you want to update or refresh. This costs what you want to spend, and can be done at...
  7. Ed Haywood

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    Ok. True story. I was in a very small town in a very remote part of Norway for military winter training. Dombås, population 1,164. We are sitting in the TV lounge of the barracks on a Saturday morning, bored out of our skulls, watching Swedish TV. It was 20 below outside. One of our guys...
  8. Ed Haywood

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    I dunno, if she's in her mid 30's, his biological grandpa clock might be ticking.
  9. Ed Haywood

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    Agreed, but you might meet a 65 year old man with a daughter.
  10. Ed Haywood

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    Young homeowner, stable job, financially secure, hard working, healthy, well rounded. Dude, you're a keeper. Right now about 10 million women are complaining that they can't find a good man, and here you are, waiting to be found. Plenty of good advice here. Get out and get involved in stuff...
  11. Ed Haywood

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    From what I've heard, all the youngsters are on dating apps. No more sitting in a bar trying to come up with a good pickup line, only to get shot down.
  12. Ed Haywood

    Is there anyway to come back from an FAA Emergency Revocation

    If you don't want to fly for a career, I would go live your life for a decade, then find an AME and start working your way through the hoops. Will be easier to make the "I was a scared kid" argument after you have a substantial period of normal adult life under your belt without a recurrence of...
  13. Ed Haywood

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    It kinda looks like a DeLorean and an El Camino had a secret child.
  14. Ed Haywood

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Someone had the bright idea of putting a buffer to it, which renders it nearly invisible.
  15. Ed Haywood

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    And that is a high (low?) bar to clear.
  16. Ed Haywood

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    Either technique works if performed competently. But 3 pointers are easier to learn, IMO.
  17. Ed Haywood

    Training has stalled. Advice sought. What would you do in my position?

    Suggest you get a few hours in a taildragger to see if you like it before making career plans.
  18. Ed Haywood

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    No, I'm sorry, that is factually wrong. There MIGHT be an implied contract in SOME states IF the employment documents are poorly written, but it is difficult to prove. Any competent HR lawyer knows how to avoid it, and employment handbooks are written with that in mind. In most states, a...
  19. Ed Haywood

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    Depending on the state, it could be as simple as "you are an *******" or "I think we can find someone smarter for less money." Wrongful termination does not mean what internet lawyers think it does. It does not mean firing someone without a good enough reason. It means firing someone for an...
  20. Ed Haywood

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    Not generally correct. Most states are at-will employment states. No contract exists unless one is separately written and signed. An employee can be fired for any reason, as long as that reason is not illegal. I have 200 employees in 25+ states, so I deal with this all the time. Here is a...