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    Fouled Plug - What?

    This is great info. The c85 on my 140 is having some fouling issues. I will try some BY plugs. Thanks.
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    Ditching the huge beacon

    Maybe there are newer threads on this, but 5kt is a huge speed increase for eliminating a single beacon. Or more fuel efficiency at the same speed. I guess the wingtip lights may have saved some also, but wow. I fly in LA and visibility is pretty important, so simply downsizing to the LED beacon...
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    cessna 120/140 vs 150/152

    Its always entertaining when people freak out about comments on old threads, as though the passage of time has any impact on the validity or importance of the information contained therein. My plane is 78 years old. Any four year-old thread is brand new by comparison.
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    cessna 120/140 vs 150/152

    The c85 with O200 guts will outperform the O200 in the same plane, if both are propped correctly. The 200 makes similar power at a higher rpm. The c85 Dream Machine is more fuel efficient. There is precious little room in the back of a 140 for baggage and you arent filling the tanks with two...
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    Aera 660

    660 is great. I have it mounted on a cradle on a ball screwed to the A pillar in my 140. It is wired to a gtr200b radio and pushes frequencies into standby; that is the main way I tune my radio. Fantastic unit. I need a gdl to feed it attitude eand adsb data so I can get traffic on it. I have a...
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    A frustrating GNC255 / Aera 660 mystery - solved

    My 660 pushes fine to a gtr200b (I think that is the radio anyway). Works great.
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    Cessna 120/140 yay or nay?

    Can anyone help me get in touch with David Lowe about an STC I bought from him? He has gone radio silent. Hope he is Ok.
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    Wheel Landings

    It won't bounce if the stick is really forward, because the tail won't come down enough to get the wing flying again. I have been doing this in the 140 lately and it works fine. Generally I wait to touch but if it's a small bounce you can still just put it down and hold it there. The gear absorb...
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    Garmin Aera 760 released

    I would think passing the route updates to the aera over a wired connection would be possible. For a garmin nav, you would just set the serial output to aviation out and the aera serial input to aviation in (I think) but Mapmx is also an option. I see no reason the avidyne stuff would be any...
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    Garmin Aera 760 released

    Not yet! Thanks.
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    Garmin Aera 760 released

    Should be able to go from Aera 760 to 430W with the bluetooth also then? The iPad can do this via FF.
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    AV-30-C Question

    Perhaps there is hope after all? They finally seem to be catching up, at least on the experimental side...
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    Electric Tugs

    Yeah. But there are only inches to the side walls back there. It the tailwheel flops to the side at all after you unhook the tug, it is into the wall before you know it. This happens for instance after you unhook and need to keep pushing backwards, and then when you pull it forward to attach the...
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    Electric Tugs

    I dont know what an "electric shop cart" is, but I am curious. I think a Polaris 4 wheeler is a pretty good option if there is space for it.
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    Electric Tugs

    Yeah I can see that being the right tool for the job. My hangar at the moment is just larger than the airplane, so about the only thing that would really work well is a remote control crawler type thing. With the A3 I will have to disconnect and push the plane the last 2-3 feet, which is no big...
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    G3X vs. G500Txi

    I had planned the G3X route eventually, but a guy just upgraded his G600 to Txi and wants to sell me the old G600. I think it is a bit overkill for a 185; not sure it makes any sense over a new G3X touch. I only have a 430W and a gtx345 for the G3x to interface with; ideally will add the garmin...
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    Electric Tugs

    Seems like complete overkill for a 185? You would need a lot of room between the tailwheel and the wall for the tug and handle. I think a Bravo would be perfect if you were using it with a towbar on the main gear.
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    Electric Tugs

    OK so how do you like the new tug?
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    Door Steward info sought

    Running both is the smart move. Looking at the Bonanza doorframe attach bracket, there appears to be variation between bracket designs, as well as obvious differences between doors and strut configurations on different airframes. These differences may be causing some of the differences...
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    Door Steward info sought

    As previously stated by others, the bracket is not strong enough to be a door check, at least on a 185. Other bracket types for other airframes may be more robust, but my door checks are going back in - as also described in the manual - because the door steward brackets are not strong enough to...