Recent content by frfly172

  1. frfly172

    High Altitude Flight test

    I keep a pulse oximeter handy on all flights and check it occasionally in case you get a carbon monoxide leak. When I was younger 12k was doable. As a young aircraft crew member I did go to the high altitude chamber was an enlightened experience.
  2. frfly172

    Next word that comes to mind...

  3. frfly172

    Next word that comes to mind...

  4. frfly172

    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    plenty of room for speculation with the info that’s been going around. Could be a combination of many factors.
  5. frfly172

    NOOB needing advice on a from-scratch upgrade

    Look for a 150 that’s been upgraded,what looks like a good buy can turn into a real money pit when you start dealing with avionics. I have a 150 l model and it’s going to be my last airplane.
  6. frfly172

    Flying with retired pilots

    Hang around the airport or FBO ,won’t take you long to find someone who likes to ride for free. Where is he getting a cfi for $50 a hour?
  7. frfly172

    If you have to ask,...

    Did t see any price sheet on the site.
  8. frfly172

    Bud Anderson

    RIP another legend gone.
  9. frfly172

    Next word that comes to mind...

  10. frfly172

    Flight school train on grass strip?

    Back in the day grass operations were part of the training. When I rented the flight school owner would approve grass operations on a pilot to pilot basis.
  11. frfly172

    My first logbook is full!

    Congrats now start working on your next log book. Like reviewing my old log books for fond memories
  12. frfly172

    I Hate Enterprise

    Returned a rental back at the airport,they didn’t come to pick it up for two days which they tried to charge me for. Also a reservation is not a guarantee of a car being available.
  13. frfly172

    Next plane...

    I would think a 182 would be a good choice. Easily insurable,good handling with load carrying capacity
  14. frfly172

    5/13/2024 Tri-Pacer down near Enderlin, ND - non-fatal

    Glad everyone survived the landing,hope the old bird can be fixed.
  15. frfly172

    Next word that comes to mind...
