Display Name Question


Touchdown! Greaser!
Apr 1, 2007
Display Name

Display name:
Richard Palm
Why is the "Display Name" displayed less prominently that the user name? Seems backwards.
I don't think it currently has any curation/moderator input. If that's the case, I can see how it could possibly be abused.
The DisplayName isn't a built-in field of the XF software. Not sure what the intent was.
My site puts the user's real name under the username (we use a separate field for that because we are a non-profit membership organization and we need to track our voting members as real people).

A similar question is why the display Name is blank on the first line and repeated on the bottom. Probably an oversight on whoever modified that template.
Yeah, that's bugged me for awhile. I'd personally flip username and displayname given my druthers. But imagine the chaos it would cause :D Nobody likes change.

(I never noticed the double Display Name at the bottom until you mentioned it @flyingron -- now it's gonna bug me everytime I surf the site :D I may sneakily patch that up and wait for the outcry)